These Guns

Let me tell you people, Just how I feel
You can take your gun control & go straight to hell
Cause every time something happens, Protesters march on the hill
Calling for gun control and an assault rifle ban

Every time some jihadi crazy, Decides to kill
Here come the liberals with another gun control bill

I'm getting tired of it, It's time to get real
You'll never take our guns no matter how bad you feel
All of the children who just don't understand
It's not the guns that are killing you, It's the crazies in our land

Instead of fixing the problem, Try to find out what went wrong
They're only interested in taking away our guns
I wish I could tell you, things are about to change
But Liberalism is a disease, and their minds are deranged

I wish I had the answer, But there is no master plan
When you're dealing with insanity, There's not much to understand

Let me tell you people, in words that make it clear
If not for these guns, America would not be here

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