
Carved by the flood
Mountains and valleys
Vast plains below
We build a brand new home
Time flows along
Children were born
From Noah's sons
Unfolding generations

One common tongue
Only one language
God's clear command
To spread to all the lands
But No we won't go
We can do things better
Our destiny our own
We choose to stay together

Strong with brick and mortar
Build ourselves a fortress
A city on the plains of Shinar
A high and mighty tower
Reaching to the heavens
Making a name for ourselves
We care for nothing else

Working out our plans
With strength in our hands
This tower shouts our fame
How great is our name
Look what we have done
See what we can do
Anything we choose
All we set our minds to

But High above this tower
From the highest heavens
The Lord now descends upon their fame
Tweaking prideful speaking
Confusing boastful talking
Languages be born from this place
From Babel now displaced

So groups of people travelled
Over the horizon
Looking for a place to make their home
And all throughout the ages
Over history's pages
The story of the ark and flood still dwells
As ancient cultures tell

Writer(s): Joe Vermeulen
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