Traveler's Song

Sing for the lost
For eternal affairs
Sing to raise our spirits
In great despair
Through the ashes of oblivion

Quick and unseen
Like the dragon's offspring
For we owe no debts
And bow to no king
Every war has its costs and we've paid
Won by the bond of the party we've made

Warn with a call
That the battle starts now
As the demons listen
We strike them down
Fighting back the rifts of blood

Sent from the sky
Lies an angel in need
Give him muse to strengthen
And words to heed
Heaven's doused and set alight
We're knocking on the gates of hell tonight

Broken swords and dragon's bones
Scattered on the way back home
Beating to the sound of clashing steel
When they're on our heels
Now chant the tales and legends told
Strengthened by the hymns of old
Weathered as this winding road is long
So we sing our traveler's song

Play out a spell
In your sequence of chords
To inspire and sharpen
Our rusted swords
Echoing the whisper of the trees

Creep 'long a path
Where a thousand bards failed
From the thick West Tyrian
Jungle trails
Come from afar to set prisoners free
Into dark tangled depths from the open sea

Broken swords and dragon's bones
Scattered on the way back home
Beating to the sound of clashing steel
When they're on our heels
Now chant the tales and legends told
Strengthened by the hymns of old
Weathered as this winding road is long
So we sing our traveler's song

Second chances don't come cheap
So keep alert and on your feet
An ancient spirit's song will heal our wounds
Unabashed by our defeat
Spite the bloodstains on these cobbled streets
A message to the gods
To see us through

Ever heard
Yet rarely sung
So raise your voice
And praise the sun
I call a new rebirth
To keep us strong
Countless souls
Along the path
Lost to fiends
And lords of wrath
But we'll return to play our final song

Broken swords and dragon's bones
Scattered on the way back home
Beating to the sound of clashing steel
When they're on our heels
Now chant the tales and legends told
Strengthened by the hymns of old
Weathered as this winding road is long
So we sing our traveler's song

Writer(s): Tyler Shaw
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