Part 3: You

You, you, you

Slow down
Every time that I love you
I call out
Unknown to me that you're already far from view

There's this soft barricade
Silk partition in my way
Take my hand
All the same
Every moment I feel so estranged

Leave your breath for a pull
There's a girl that's here waiting for you
Get her side down, make it move
What you want, there's nothing to lose

Oh, oh, oh, oh

You, you, you
You, you, you

There's this soft barricade (You, you, you)
Silk partition in my way (You, you, you)
Take my hand
All the same (You, you, you)
Every moment I feel so estranged (You, you, you)

Leave your breath for a pull (You, you, you)
There's a girl that's here waiting for you (You, you, you)
Get her side down, make it move (You, you, you)
What you want, there's nothing to lose (You, you, you)

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh

Writer(s): Omisha Chaitanya
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