Front and Center

To the shit luck drunk
I bequeath my last tenner, his
Tender licks echo all over the block
Whatever you do, don't sell that guitar
Maybe sell your soul instead

To the shameful divorcee
Finally cutting and running
Bring a shovel and dig a little hole
A metamorphosis in your chrysalis
Change is all you need

Taxidermize all of your failures
Place them front and center on your mantle
Your own little petting zoo of playing the fool

To the hopeless romantic
Constantly meeting the one
You should know that destiny's a joke
Us fleshy meat bags are a dime a dozen
Don't pay more than market price

To the ignorant asshole
I've got advice to give, maybe
Read a book or leave your home town
The world is lapping you, and laughing at your tiki torch
Oh so fragile and frail

Taxidermize all of your failures
Place them front and center on your mantle
Your own little petting zoo of playing the fool

Writer(s): Kellan Stover
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