That's Just How It Is

The more I live, the more I see
Humankind ain't kind
Justice never was too just
And it sure ain't blind

And God forgot to tell us why
Some get to live while others die
That's just how it is

One man plays the part of king
Another man scrapes by
One man's children get to eat
Another's get to cry

The one rule is, there are no rules
And those who think there are, are fools
That's just how it is

You can't fight every battle
Most days you'll muddle through
And many times when good men fall
Ain't nothin' you can do

Now and then you get a chance
To set a thing aright
Sometimes just by speakin' up
Sometimes you have to fight

That's when you've got to take a side
And give that chance a long hard ride
And if you fail, at least you tried
That's just how it is
That's just how it is

Writer(s): David Friedman, Peter Kellogg
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