Call of Duty

Yeah for it's a beautiful day
Lord I'm so grateful
Living in the now
Reflection of the past
Looking forward to the future

The supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Is my description when I think of the love
Transcend through the son of man
The great I am
In whom I believe
I know who I am
Tic toc
Til the break
Erase the hate that confiscates
Reconciliation from taking its place
Division of the race
Faces of adoration or hatred
Controversy debated
Racism causing schism
Opposition of the masses
Segregation by the classes
When depending on skin color
Who cares of pigmentation
Know your self worth by your spiritual rebirth anew
Choose to rise over the views that confuse
Dominion that the Father gave you
When He created you as a fetus in your mother's womb to commune
The revelation about to bloom!

Its the call of duty life is a beauty precious as a jewel
Like the shining of a ruby its the call of duty
For it's the call of duty its the call of duty
Life is a beauty precious as a jewel like the shining of a ruby
Its the call of duty for it's the call of duty I salute

Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
The purpose or the state of mind
Is to never give up
If you give a cup of water
To the least of them
You do unto me
Be the one to set the trend
I'm I my brother's keeper
Like Kane said of Abel
Fast forward
This time
It's no fable
Century documentary
Heaven help us
When it comes to these tragedies
Where's God in this many do question
But the answer is there
When it comes to life lessons
To be learnt and not burnt
He was there all the time
Freewill is never earned
You live and your learn
Even if you got burned
Because your presence they choose to murm
You must be doing something worthwhile
To their assumption
You can't get something out of nothing!

A pledge
Is mostly in words
But allegiance
Is in action
So if we put those two together
Know that commitment
Is essential to your destiny

No silence
When it comes to the mileage
Never regret to have respect
Of what's best
Certain things we can't accept
We're everyday people with no 'S' on our chest
If we could do it back again
Some things won't change
If we put it in retrospect
Let bye gone be bye gone
As the days pass
Pettiness belongs in the trash
Likes in the mask
But it's really hate
That you can't wash out
As if your taking bubble baths
Making a splash
Because we got one life to live
While we living in the dash
The dash is now between the past and the future
For favor is a booster
In the face of opposition
The mission as it unfolds
So move on in your vision

We got to ride on
Don't care what other people say
You got to stay focus in this life
It's a call of duty
Nobody's going to do it for you
You got to do it for yourself
Bless to be a blessing
So move on soldiers

Writer(s): Ricardo Neeley
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