Colors by Puppetpop

Red, red, can you see red?
Red, red, can you see red?

Yellow, yellow, can you see yellow?
Yellow, yellow, can you see yellow?

Blue, blue, can you see blue?
Blue, blue, can you see blue?

Green, green, can you see green?
Green, green, can you see green?

Red, yellow, blue and green,
These are the colors you have seen.

Black, black, can you see black?
Black, black, can you see black?

White, white, can you see white?
White, white, can you see white?

Brown, brown, can you see brown?
Brown, brown, can you see brown?

Gray, gray, can you see gray?
Gray, gray, can you see gray?

Black, white, brown and gray,
These are the colors here today

Purple, purple, can you see purple?
Purple, purple, can you see purple?

Orange, orange, can you see orange?
Orange, orange, can you see orange?

Beige, beige, can you see beige?
Beige, beige, can you see beige?

Pink, pink, can you see pink?
Pink, pink, can you see pink?

Purple, orange, beige and pink,
All these colors to make you think.

All of these colors, none the same
How many colors can you name?

Are you ready?

Red, yellow, blue, green,
Black, white, brown, gray,
Purple, orange, beige, pink.


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