Inner Voice

Wait, wait for me now
Cause I have been traveling for so long
Let me, let me stand beside you
Cause I was away from you for a long time

Don't listen with half an ear
Cause no one thinks that I can hear
Don't close, do not close your eyes
Cause no one thinks that I can see

Every inch of this Existence
Or imagination of feelings

I'm here
For so long
To hear people crying about past
Or see them
And feel them
Stuck in thinking of future

What? what did you say once
When I was about to going away
From that, that you said
You said it, and I was setting up this way

To go, going so far
To creating chances for my life
And this, this is me
A body full of a void, a body full of hope of

Of these big big Chained Thoughts
Lighting ways in front of me

To shine
This should be the only path
I can see
I can hear
I'm not the one who is deaf and blind

Wait, wait for me now
Cause I have been traveling for so long
Let me, let me stand beside you
Cause I was away from you for a long time

Don't listen with half an ear
Cause no one thinks that I can hear
Don't close, do not close your eyes
Cause no one thinks that I can see

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