Back in High School

8-5, I'm stuck in a classroom
Endless lecture all day
Stuck in powerpoint purgatory
Without a hope of escape

But there's this one girl in class
That takes the pain away, but makes me put my brain away
All attention i pay, to her
But what do i say to her
But then it dawned on me fast
And as I put my books in lockers, I thought about her knockers
I said, wait a minute, i've done this all before

How did i end up back in high school?
I thought that once was enough but now there's this
I'm twenty three and in high school
And struggling not to be this weeks gossip
(Oh no, what if they know, my cover is blown)
I don't think that she knows but soon she will
I just have to avoid that rumor mill
How did i end up back in high school?

Basic science for countless hours
Makes me feel like a fool
Pretty much live in a dormitory
At least most people are cool

But there's this one girl in class
Who tries to take our grades away
She's gunnin for us everyday
Theres nothing to say to her
Stay outta the way of her

But then it dawned on me fast
And as we got drunk on a monday
I thought, i did t his one day
Hey wait, wait a minute, i've done this all before

How did I end up back in college?
I thought that once was enough but now there's this
I'm twenty five and in college
And strugglin to relearn glycolysis
Oh no, of course there she goes, showing off what she knows
I eat at the same three places every day
And pound coffee like it's my job, ok
How did I end up back in college

This is like high school and college combined
My dad is still out of his mind
He's really good at what he does and that's no joke
But when he talks i'm scared he might have a stroke
I think he's having a stroke

Do I even wanna be in med school
I spent my whole life in fear of my daddy
I'm 19 and in med school
But there might be a whole world out there for me
Oh no, come on, that's absurd, what if he heard
I'd better stick to the plan, or I fear I'm dead
But man it feels pretty good to hear it said
I'm not sure I wanna be in med school

Writer(s): John Paro
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