Hundred Percent

I know I said that we should take things slow
But that was before I knew you, that was long ago
And like the hiding sun, I held back
But it didn't feel right; I want you to know that
Last night we got a little crazy
And through our polished glasses things got hazy
I said some things I never said before
I used some words I never used before
Like love and forever, promise, whatsoever
And now I want to say them again

Some call it liquid courage
'Cause you don't feel shy
Some call it liquid honesty
'Cause you show what's inside
Some call it truth serum
'Cause it's so hard to lie
But last night
It wasn't any of those things
No, last night
It was just my heart singing
And you're asking me whether I meant it
I'm here to tell you I meant
One hundred percent

One hundred percent
I meant every word of everything that I said
One hundred percent
One hundred percent
I meant every word of everything that I said

I'm telling everything, I'm saying it plain
Like a honest farmer praying for rain
And like a curious moon peering over the hedge
I'm looking to you; did you hear what I said
Last night we got a little crazy
And through our polished glasses things got hazy
I said some things I never said before
I used some words I never used before
Like love and forever, promise, whatsoever
And now I want to say them again

Some call it liquid courage
'Cause you don't feel shy
Some call it liquid honesty
'Cause you show what's inside
Some call it truth serum
'Cause it's so hard to lie
But last night
It wasn't any of those things
No, last night
It was just my heart singing
And you're asking me whether I meant it
I'm here to tell you I meant
One hundred percent

One hundred percent
I meant every word of everything that I said
One hundred percent
One hundred percent
I meant every word of everything that I said
One hundred percent
One hundred percent
I meant every word of everything that I said
One hundred percent
One hundred percent
I meant every word of everything that I said

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