Crooks Come Out the Woodworks

Get got comin' and goin', comin' and goin', see me a mile aways
I go out in my mouth guard with asbestos PJs ablaze
The hooks what tout with good twerks deny straw dogs
The crooks come out the woodworks when I saw logs!

The crooks come out the woodworks when I saw logs!
The crooks come out the woodworks when I saw logs!

Standards established, standards established. Sometimes a great dirt-stache
Be nice to the klutz, nice to the klutz. Cuts twice and measures once
I swear I don't care, swear I don't care if I bear the error
But if I can't call it by eye-ballin' it, just make the sucker square!
If I can't call it by eye-ballin' it, just make the sucker square!
If I can't call it by eye-ballin' it, just make the sucker square!

Your consumption function is a painted corner solution
I can positively, absolutely offer you ablution
A pie chart and a bar graph on behalf of my chief of staff
Was you aligning resources symmetrically, or was just rippin' shit in half?

Was you aligning resources symmetrically, or was just rippin' shit in half?
Was you aligning resources symmetrically, or was just rippin' shit in half?

Leaving participle people dangling just like a wet soap sack
First I give 'em all enough rope, then I cut 'em all some slack...
In their places, through their paces in my waxed up Pompadour rhythm
Why try to cover all bases when you can just mop the floor with 'em!

Why try to cover all bases when you can just mop the floor with 'em!
Why try to cover all bases when you can just mop the floor with 'em!

I thought the deal was sealed, deal was sealed until she started to wield...
Her regal beagle, regal beagle as an illegal shield
I tried to quick kiss the chick, quick kiss the chick and missed the puppy lick
But smooched so much pooch tryin' to get to the kooch that it doggone made me sick!

Smooched so much pooch try to get to the kooch that it doggone made me sick!
Smooched so much pooch try to get to the kooch that it doggone made me sick!

A chalk out knockout or a grass out class out
I rock out with my cock out and pass out with my ass out
If you'll pardon my innocuous vernacular
My dick is Cockroculous and my ass is Craptacular!

My dick is Cockroculous, and my ass is Craptacular!
My dick is Cockroculous, and my ass is Craptacular!

Frost by fork, two. Knew not enough the damn lane
Lost my corkscrew, now it's nothing but champagne
Up on Bunker Hill with my rattlesnake and Fenimore
I am drunk as hell! And I am not going take it anymore!

I'm drunk as hell! And I ain't gonna take it no more!
I'm drunk as hell! And I ain't gonna take it no more!
I'm drunk as hell! And I ain't gonna take it no more!
I'm drunk as hell! And I ain't gonna take it no more!

Writer(s): Grandma Sally
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