Some Call It Love

It might be caused by some kind of spell
Might be heavens gate with a lock from hell
It might be too much, might be too less
Like a secret that you won't confess

It might be that you have closed your mind
That a way inside is hard to find
But, your solid ground will start to crack
If you take it all and don't give back

Time ain't on your side, your side
Only winning gives a taste that satisfies
Life will be all it can be
There's a feeling that will hurt or set you free

Call it what you want
It doesn't matter
Either it's a rose or just a thorn
Call it what you want
Your heart must fight through any storm
Call it what you want
It doesn't matter
I know that it fits us like a glove
Call it what you want
I know some people call it love

It can only be true or false
Put your finger to it and check the pulse
It's a game you play and you raise the bar
And of course you win, you've got all the cards
It goes up and down and side to side
With unspoken rules you must abide
There are tricks you learn as you go
And although you grow you're still part of the show

Can't you see, you're in love
Can't help yourself
How can you rid this feeling
That is pushing you over the edge

Writer(s): Satin'
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