
You wanna play the bigger man and feel entitled
You wanna play against the words you used to fight em
You've got a mouthful, you're sounding spiteful
You wanna send em all back to where they came from

You feel as if the blue have been too nice, inadequate
Yet those oppressed still feel the bullets piercing through their skin
White terrorists, I feel unsafe around cops because the color of my skin
You wouldn't get it

No culture! No identity!

You wanna cut the funds for children's aid and medicine
You say you're gonna build a wall to keep the good ones in
Who's gonna build it? Oh I think I get it now
You're gonna force and tax the shit out of my people

Now picture this a single mother and her two month kid
Undocumented, goes to school, and has a rent to pay
All of a sudden, ICE huddle the door
She's then deported and her kid becomes an orphan

No culture! No identity!

No Culture, No Identity!
No Culture, No Identity!

Writer(s): Mexican Slum Rats
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