
Boiling disdain, Contempt unmatched
Scorn and spurned again
Will this never end
Refuse to subscribe to reaction
Conflict, the device of the fool
Choose to exact understanding
Through the method of the scribe
Thus, instill a sense of why
Hate, a futile point of view
This prose, my final slight of you
Semantic summaries can only bastardize the feeling
A curdling fury that reach the deepest precipice
There is no getting through
There is no even ground
And not a drop of common sense can be found
A thousand injuries I have borne
A million fallacies persist no more
Monumental defenses built on insurmountable ignorance
No ounce of wisdom can get through
So reluctant to adhere to anything alien
And all the while you cry
There can be no progression
With so much rigidity
Inexorable stagnation
Tantamount to suicide

Writer(s): Inertia
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