The Truth Each Would Hold

There once were two twins who lived in a town made of clocks
The girl's name was Tick, and the boy's name was Tock
The twins were very special, for each had a gift
Tick's arms made from oak, Tock's brain from fire lit

They were happy, in the town where they lived
There was however one issue, one they could not forget
Everyone around them seemed to live as machines
Not all the same, but as if powered by steam

No one's words seem to be theirs, sentences copied, sources unknown
But each person was convinced, that these ideas were their own
Each would scream at the other, they would argue and fight
This madness would continue, long into the night

This happened all day, of every week, of every year
Every morning the twins woke up, they would wonder, "will it end here?"
But the battles raged on, no end in sight
So the twins packed their bags, and ventured into the night

Their mission you see, was to try to understand
Everyone's ideas, why they argued, what'd they demand
And so the journey begins, as they walk down the road
They would hear each person, learn the truths each would hold

Writer(s): Caleb Spitzer
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