Golden Boy

Golden Boy
Apple of your mother's two front eyes
What she don't know
You do for you what's best
Even though it makes you cold
Oh golden boy in your golden tower

Golden Girl
You've been jilted though you're stronger now
Though romance still takes you
In moments most alive
You ignore your damned third eye
Oh golden girl with your lonely power

Trampled, Strangled of water and natural light
New pastures, your seeking
To nourish those blind senses woke up from night
To cut off those weeds and repel all those flies oh

Golden Child
You change your badge at your liberty
Your statue's gleaming
80 years ago, you'd have married your first love
You'd have spared your search and all of those distant nights

Though you no widow no young husband who died in vein
So chop him and change him
Love bite that padlock attach it to bridge
Try cross it later though it has caved in

Golden Boy, Golden Girl, Golden Child, Golden Times

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