Blessings on This White Christmas

This Christmas season
While you're doing your giving and receiving
With family and friends
Loved ones and maybe not so loved ones
Let's not forget the main reason why we celebrate this day
Which is the birth of Jesus Christ
His life has afforded us an opportunity to take advantage
Of the greatest gift ever given to man
The power of His holy spirit living in you
Whether you've had a hard life
Whether you've made a lot of mistakes
Or whether you've experienced
Some things that you wish you never experienced
The love of God is waiting for you to turn to
Him because it is never too late to elevate your faith
And live on another level
Allow me this Christmas season to say a prayer for you
Lord, let a special blessing fall on
Those who are listening to this recording right now
You know where they are and
You know where they've been
Going into this new year
Let destiny be on the forefront of their minds.
Let every event be ordained and planned by Your spirit
Lead them to a place where they'll stick until their greatest days
Because the past is behind and
You're the only one that can author their future because
You are the author, and You are the finisher
So, God, we thank You for what
You are about to do to the lives
Of those that are praying with me right now
Let them feel the power of Your spirit, validate
Your existence in their lives, and let the angels of
God lead them to a place of
Covenant relationship with You
I pray these blessings on them for the mind and
Name of Jesus, Amen. Merry Christmas
On this White Christmas
On this White Christmas
On this White

Writer(s): Roland Collins
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