
I've been on a journey
I've crossed mountains and walked to the sea
And I've slept among the weary
All those other broken souls just like me

I've travelled along ancient walls
Miles and miles I have roamed
But no matter how far I go
A stone cold wall don't lead you home
Oh no, a stone cold wall won't lead you home

I feel a war it's raging deep down inside
But something tells me this fight was never really mine
A war child never drops his gun or leaves a man behind

I remember looking for a smile and meeting cold steel eyes
They thanked you for your service sent
you home, and put us on the front line
A war child never drops his gun or leaves the field behind


Like a pilgrimage up an ox trail, one-lane wide
But God had left that mountain for the winter before you arrived
But a war child never drops his gun and he never leaves the line

You said only a coward would ever run to hide
So stand and fight you fool cause no one's gonna make it out alive
War child, how many of these wounds of yours are mine
I'm gonna stand and fight until I break this line


I've been on a journey
I've crossed mountains and walked to the sea

Writer(s): Abigail Dowd
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