Panning Plate

Wool upon my eyes to steel and of burned bridges for leading nowhere
Darkness I'm adjusted now to think you'd leave me here
I can finally see a hand in front of me
And obvious how the wasted lengths
Of life & prime where I could not see
To overcome or integrate that life of love to feel complete

Small minds that you've employed
When you talk about shared escapade of past
I'm not your ensample made
For refusing model candidate or maturity for compare
You rationalize & then evade
In the squeeze of the hourglass
Life's a measure of who we share it with
In loving jealousy doesn't prove you care
And anger cannot prove your jealous or just feared

So proud when they can love you only at a distance
Like rotting prize high up on a tree
They're afraid to climb or come near to reach

So the chance I had was never made
I blame them still I know it's how I cannot help this now still

When she left I can't replace why she said we couldn't last
As I watch complaint from loved & lost of their burdened time
The turn I have for coveted distant glittering
Salt & gravel in bitter panning plate

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