The Sacrifice

standing trial the arrest was made
before the Sanhedrin
condemned to death the passion stayed
no defense was given
over envy the priests enslaved
and stirred up the crowd
one man freed, the other bound
"crucify," the mob shouted loud
He was

beaten - mocked - flogged in disdain
crowned - with thorns - spat on in vain

for the sacrifice
the sacrifice

to the hill known as Calvary
the place of the skull
refused the wine that was mixed with gall
facing suffering in full
between two thieves a King did reign
clearly knowing His fate
"forgive them for they do not know"
"know what they do"
He was

beaten - mocked - flogged in disdain
crowned - with thorns - spat on in vain

for the sacrifice
the sacrifice

two thieves on His sides from the left and the right
one whom found belief and the other in despite
"can't you see this man's done nothing, oh please remember me"
"to you I say in this time of vice, you will be with Me in Paradise"

wounded hands by the nail
driven through His feet
on that cursed tree
death He did defeat

wounded hands by the nail
driven through His feet
on that cursed tree
death He did defeat

His sacrifice
His sacrifice

Writer(s): Patrick Best, Seth Boone
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