The Committee

Laws by committee
Wars by committee
Governed by committee
It's the most effective way

Years ago, some time ago
A man I hardly knew
Talked too much and pointlessly
So I sliced that man in two

He may have felt the blow I struck
But it doesn't show today
I brought him back to life again
And I had a debt to pay

Cure by committee
Be sure by committee
Justice by committee
It's the most objective way

It had to come, I knew it would
Not cruel and then not kind
Just asking what I'd done and why
Just opening my mind

And when it comes, what can you do
But offer to explain
How people bleed their lives away
And truth is down the drain

"That sounds very glib," they said
"You above it all,
Deciding for another man,
Who gave you the call?"

You say they're fair
I say it too
But they kill the bird of paradise
Yes they do
Yes they do

Laws by committee
Wars by committee
Governed by committee
It's the most effective way

It could just be that you'll ask me
To drive away with you
Together leave it all behind
And try for something new

I'd do it, yes, I think I would
It's one thing we could do
But will you cut my head clean off
Or will I do it to you?

I don't know
But I know it's all in me
The sky, the road
Your blonde hair is in me
The thought that can explode
Or fade
Into convening another committee

Writer(s): Paul Jones, Max Steuer
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