
Get up don't stay down for the count
Nah I ain't going out like that
Do you want your legacy to be you face down on the mat
(Fuck no)
Don't throw the towel in, don't let the bastards win
I was on the brink of defeat, Still I rise to my feet

Get up, Lash out, Let them hear you fucking shout

Cause I'm, I'm a fucking Rottweiler
It's time to leave the past behind ya
Yes I'm a fucking Rottweiler
Sic! Sic! Sic! Set the dog on ya

What did you think? You think i'd fucking sink
In all your misery I choked on your toxicity
Nah I ain't going out like that
It's about time for a fucking epiphany
So sick, sick of the fakes
All of these liars and their fucking traits
All of your selfish ways I've seen better days
It's time I light the match and set the past ablaze

I don't care about your fucking opinion
People always wanna throw their two pence in
I slept well last night cause I told the truth
Pity we can't say the same for you
I'm unnervingly polite but i'm capably violent
If you let the dog loose i'm like a fucking tyrant
And never mistake my kindness for weakness
If you cross me once I'll take you to the cleaners

The only lie I ever told, was to myself

Writer(s): Ash Corner
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