
The animal called Manasyrze
With feathers matching raging fires
Was raised among the willow weeds
And fed upon the lilac seeds

The bird that walked and could not fly
Made friends with fowl and fur nearby
It whistled through its beak of gold
A love song for all to behold

The song it sang was pure and true
And every beast from crow to ewe
Would listen as the sun set west
And ask for tales they loved the best

"Oh Manasyrze, sing us a song
That will remind us we belong
Where devils lurk in dragon skins
And God has left us with our sins"

The Manasyrze would start to weep
And silver tears rolled down its cheek
Which, when they fell without a sound
Would disappear into the ground

Then would it sing of Abraham,
And Isaac and the slaughtered ram,
And 'neath the glow of pale moonlight
Its crimson feathers turned to white

But one day God came down to Earth
And sat beside Old Noah's hearth
And told him that the end was near
For all the world to disappear

So Noah had his sons create
An ark of such a size so great
That animals led two by two
Could stay dry 'til the storm subdued

When it was built, they climbed aboard
As per instructed by the Lord
But nowhere could the Manasyrze
Be found amongst those human liars

For Noah hated beasts of truth
Of comfort, and of burning youth
And so the bird was left behind
And left to drown with all mankind

The Manasyrze in all its glory
Was left behind with just its story
Of dryer times, though not quite better
To sing its song while growing wetter

Writer(s): Sarah Segal-lazar
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