Stay positive? In this economy?

Your mind is twisted like Twister
But this is not a game
I don't hate you
But I'd debate you
On everything you say
I know peace, but you concern me
With how you threaten to shoot him in the face
I'd replace
If I could, your name
With something that'd reflect the shame in what you say

Lies are how your kind get by
I'd like to find someone to believe in
That doesn't make me mad
And you say you care about me and my wellbeing but
Are you being serious about
All this nonsense you're spewing

It started as a joke and we all laughed
But do you know what will come in the aftermath?
And I am not fearful
But I sense evil
In your mindless brigade
Of diehards

Lies are how your kind get by
I'd like to find someone to believe in
That doesn't make me mad
And you say you care about me and my wellbeing but
Are you being serious about
All this nonsense you're spewing

You drive your life
Impaired by the drunkenness of your own mind
Your morals
Oh and you're always so informal
You're always missing something in your logic
I feel sick In my stomach
Because of your foolishness

Lies are how your kind get by
I'd like to find someone to believe in
That doesn't make me mad
And you say you care about me and my wellbeing but
Are you being serious about
All this nonsense you're spewing

Writer(s): Isabelle Hyde
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