
How many songs
Do we have to sing
Before you understand
We can't go on
There's too much suffering
It's only One Question

How many pain
Do you have to see
Before you understand
People just want be free
It's only a Question
It's only a question
That I want ask you
That I want an answer, Mister

How many atrocities
Do we have to face
Before you understand
War is not the answer

How many songs of peace
Do we have to sing
Before you can see
There's no chains around

Its only a Question
It's a only a Question
That I want ask you
That I want an answer, Mister

It's only a Question
It's a only a Question
That I wanna ask you
That I wanna an answer, Mister

Bana basengi Kimia
Bana basengi Kimia, Mister

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