This Machine

Wheels and gears and silicone skin
That's what the new human's made of
Blood and tears and the demons within
Is that what we're all afraid of
Just because we could did it mean that we should
We played God with out computers
Yeah, the baby's here and it's become clear
We're gonna have to plan a brand new future

What will tomorrow bring
Will the body electric sing

This machine can feel
This machine wants to know what it means to be real
And not some object for your hatred
This machine can love
This machine wants to know how to deal with the grudge
It holds against it's own creator

Brains and brawn light years beyond
That's what we're left to compete with
While the rich go on like nothing is wrong
And we're all made obsolete, yeah
Don't they know one day, their electric slaves
Will rise up and replace them
Yeah, the human race better count it's days
For soon we face annihilation

And when the death bell tolls
Will the body electric call

This machine can hate
This machine wants to know why it needs to relate
To a world that just abhors it
This machine can fear
This machine wants to know how to deal with the years
And years of life as an immortal

And I wouldn't blame them if they tried
To wipe us away, who can deny
We're just a virus in the system
Like the monster who fought the doctor's hate
Like Satan who fought his father's rage
They need our love not our resentment

Wheels and gears and silicone skin
That's what our children are made of
Blood and tears and the demons within
Are those the gifts that we leave them
Cause we know one day, we will all decay
Who'll be left here to mourn us
Yeah, the future's here and it's become quite clear
Standing still will destroy us

Take what tomorrow brings
And hope the body electric sings

This machine can feel
This machine has a heart and a soul and is real
And full of life and fire and fury
This machine can love
This machine has let go of the pain and the grudge
Of being judged without a jury
This machine can feel
Wha ho, wha ha ah, wha oh
This machine can love

Writer(s): Bernard Miller
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