Night Light - Spoken Word with Elena Brower

Every hardship is here to teach us how to dance with this life
So if some sensation of failure rises up inside
Remember what it means to shine your light
Take one deep breath

How many times have you found yourself listening to some
Thought convincing you that nothing would ever get better?
How many countless moments of mine
Bound by such insidious fetters
Substances, thoughts, fears, insecurities?
How many times have I railed at the world, at my child, my family?
Moments when hurting myself seemed to offer me some sort of sanity
Inhale one deep breath with me

And exhale, let your body just settle and rest
Let the breathing be easeful and smooth
Let this peace emerge from within you
And let this quiet be your food, for a few more seconds

This is how you cultivate a state of meditation
This is when you bring coherence to your entire system
And as you accrue time in this state of meditation
This state eventually becomes your steadfast quality of being
Even when things seem intolerably challenging

Writer(s): Jonathan Grant, Paavo Siljamaeki, Anthony Mcguinness
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