As You Can Breath

We're lost
In blue now
Minds are wasted away

What have we done?
What if we lose ourselves?

We can breathe tho
But our minds are lost
We cannot chose to win
But there's no way we have to lose

Descending the depth of the ocean
We're drowning in slow-motion
Transcending the black of the eyes
And stop fighting to say goodbyes
But I heard a battlecry
And I can't figure it out way
There's something growing inside my chest
Maybe I can forget

The sunset marches in
Straight into the soul
(Flashes into my eyes)
All is gone and memories gone by

Don't close your eyes
As you can breathe
Don't close your eyes
As you can breathe

Time won't lose us
Not this time
We don't want to die
Without find out what's in there

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