Sure, I'll Spot You

You will not live to see my success
I won't ask you to hang on that long
It's ridiculous I have ambition
If I'm not reporting to you
An argument without raising voices
Surely wouldn't make sense to me
We celebrate them like festivals
Stretching them out for three days

I will not live to see my success
So let's be grateful we can enjoy yours
My favorites are your enterprising epics
About how you were wronged by others
I don't want to be hurt by them either
I'll avoid one if I see one
I'm thankful I have you to teach me
That those relationships aren't for me

Your honest laughter is heartwarming
Nothing more innocent than that sound
Your humor is young-at-heart
Why would I disrespect that?
Loyalty is a smell and you like the look of it
I'll always be available for you
To listen, nod, and comply
I was spoiled and now I'm hurtful

You feel the weight of each vowel
The vowels from words I speak to you
As if your ears are impressive trophies
My listening athlete, please catch me
I cannot articulate in front of you
Please forgive any evidence otherwise
Sharing ripe batter with a strange grip
Your fixed mind isn't less persuaded

My life's wish would be that you
Could be part of everyone's heart
Change the leading cause of death
From heart disease to something else
Everyone will see as far as you see
The world's as small as you want it
Your world cares for its little people
I'm honored to be one of them

Writer(s): Evan Andrew Mix
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