The Freedom Anthem

Freedom at last
At last, long lost freedom

I want nobody to govern over me
And I will be that somebody to ensure my rights are free
And other's freedoms, I surely will not take
Because I understand the goodness that's at stake
And since we want nobody to govern over us
We must responsibly uphold this common in trust
And since we want nobody to govern over us
We must responsibly uphold this common trust

Everyone has their ambitions
Their passions, their missions
Their reasons for succeedin'
To follow whatever beliefs their believin'
And this is mine
Kickin' and spittin' written, but never bitten rhyme
Strictly committin' time to upliftin' spirits and openin' minds
I'm dedicated
With heavily-concentrated, long-awaited meditations
Providin' persuasive stimulation
For gradual, subliminal, mental emancipation
You feel free? Well, that's too bad, congratulations
I thank God, because since day one, life has been great fun
I've got enough rhymes to weigh a ton, and you may be impressed when I say some
But I, have yet to be amused
Until the day that change has come
The day that we choose
To take accountability for our actions, call me crazy
But maybe that day I'll feel a little bit of satisfaction
A small fraction compared to passion unlimited, compassionate and gifted
Come have some, be uplifted
Once everything's shifted, you may see me stop rappin'
But as long as the human mind is primitive, that'll never happen
But it doesn't mean to stop hopin', I'm not jokin'
Oppressed people feeling depressed, you need to stop mopin'
And start motivatin', try a new occupation
Become a freedom fighter, the position is vacant
I want some seemingly extreme changes, but it need your support to move ahead
So whatever I need to say, please just let it be said

Yes, the biggest fool is he
Who accepts another definition of what it is to be free
That's like accepting a mental prison, cell
Your description of freedom I don't need, I can see
Yes, my personal freedom, I can tell, and I will be
Here or there or wherever I choose
Or rather, whichever corner you push me into
But you could never get me to, do what I don't want
So stop with these cops tellin' me what to do and what to not
Because I never forgot the reason this nation started
To be free from religious oppression and as an artist
If the powers wish to prohibit my expression
Then I'm not American, and I don't believe in your freedom
But still I won't abandon this country because my people are slaves and I must free them
So while the United States might want me dead under the false guise of treason
Know that it is only because although they've hidden their lies, I still see them
Are we agreed, then? That America is ruled by greedy men
That's how it has been, is now, and will be, and probably for some time until hopefully
The people really want to be free
How did we ever let the machine get to be, so powerful?
Now, don't be a coward, fool
Stand up for humanity before they once again redesign history and devour you

If I led the revolution, I'll tell you what I'd do
I'd lead the ambushin', startin' with the news
Stop the propaganda and publish the truth
And when they send in the man, I'd recruit their troops
To fight for the cause, not against it
Support common laws, quit this national defense shit
Start uprisings in all military bases
Then, research labs and facility places
Easily overtaken, I'd crush the opposition
I'd be that guy outside the building with the PA system
"All those somehow related or associated with the corrupt
Come out with your motherfuckin' hands up!"
Just like that, and meanwhile on TV
I'd show my freestyles 'til every family agreed with me
Then have them appreciating the beauty of graffiti
By bombing up on Washington DC and the Statue of Liberty
Supported by the majority
Because televised live and glamourized under the authority of me
And you would soon see, all the prisoners set free that were locked up unjustly
And politicians hung from a tree, publicly
As for corporations, those who extorted poor nations so they could have more for vacations
I'd force bank account liquidations and put it all towards funds for salvation elimination
Start local, and once we re-establish the US
Go global, and finish the rest

All the immigrants want to fit in
So they shoutin', "Liberty, justice, and freedom!"
But really knowin' nothin' about America
About the terror we made for your ancestor
About mother earth and how we're molestin' her
Don't you know where oppressin' ya?
Sorry, Fievel, the streets ain't paved with cheese
Just greed, evil, lust for money, and a bloody mess from a history of dead bodies
And now is the time for the ninety-nine to rise against the one
And the twenty-four they buying off, see what it is you've done
These statistics aren't exact, in fact, they lack
Polls and studies, but I won't take it back
Their accuracy can't be that wrong
And if it is, what gives, because they can't be that strong
I say we take 'em by surprise, camouflaged and disguised
Make 'em run for their lives, as we rise
No compromise, just their immediate demise
Flank them from all sides, and snatch their enterprise
Cause their time, is long overdue
And when the tables turn, I want a full plate of food
It's not true, how they justify themselves
You can tell their shit stinks by the way it smells
What else?, There's not much more you need to know
Just know, we can't fail as long as we proceed on the down low
Once we slay first beast, the rest will follow through
And after the worst cease, we'll recreate anew
Too easy, I make it seem that way
But it isn't as hard as they would have you say
Like an egg, once we puncture the shell
There ain't no way to be stoppin' the destruction of hell


Writer(s): Scott Erickson
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