Releasing A Sound

On January the 14th, I was awakened by the Lord
Because he wanted to say something
I said to you that we are in this room to release a sound
And I want you to hear what the Lord said, on January 14th because it's applicable now
And it applies for all who are willing to receive
And this was the word of the Lord

The Lord says
"I have released for all who are willing to receive a new mantle for a new sound
The sound of the Earth will shift and is shifting in response
To the sound being released to the Heavens
And that which will usher in the next wave of glory and move of God
I will deposit in those who are willing to receive it

Many have been in a season and a place of frustration
And you've been sensing that there's more
And you felt as if you can't find me
It is because I am inviting you to find me in a new place

I will not be found in the same old places
But remember I said to the prophet Jeremiah to my people
And you will seek me and find me when you search for me
With all of your heart, and I will be found by you"
Says the Lord

"For many, you will find that my office is at the end of your rope
When you come to the end of yourself
There, you will find me ready to show you things to come
And to place this new mantle for a new sound in you
Get ready
With this sound will come manifestations and demonstrations of my glory and power
Entire regions will be set free and shifted at once
Nations await

Open your heart to hear
For out of the broken ones will come a sound that will usher in a Kingdom Revolution
Within this generation that will reverberate for generations to come
And usher in my return"
Declares the Lord

Is there anyone in this room who is willing to receive that sound tonight?
I want you to know tonight that if you're open
If you're really open, that sound is already in you
It's waiting to be unlocked!
It's waiting to be unlocked!
Jesus is waiting to be revealed in you
And through you

And so before we do anything tonight
Can we lift up a sound in this place?
Not just a shout, but a sound!

Writer(s): William Mcdowell
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