The Lamb (feat. Kirdes Sirrah)

Behold, The virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call His name Immanuel
These foreshadowing words spoken of by the prophet Isaiah
Were held in the holding cell of manifestation for nearly 700 years

Then there it was in Bethlehem of Judea, in the fullness of time, the author of time was birthed
With this unparalleled conception the holy and human reception was on the brink of restoration
The angels in heaven could not sit silent
I can see those heavenly host now descending to the home of humanity
I can hear them now as they minister to the congregation of nearby shepherds
Keeping watch over their flock by night
Pulling the attention away from their sheep so that they could focus in on the Lamb of God

Listen! As they bring Them good tidings of great joy to all people
Listen! As they proclaim "glory to God in the highest
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men." Yes
Twas a holy night

The birth of this Son even garnered glory from galaxies
As they formed a staggering star in the heavens fit only for a true king
An astounding star
Only studious students of the sky could decipher it's stupor, I'm talking about wise men
Yes! Even wise men came from afar bowing down
Worshipping and emptying the treasuries
When they found that star hovering above that young child
These men knew how to give good gifts
These men knew how to honor a King

Maybe the reigning king should have took notes
But instead he chose to take lives of innocent infants
When he found out the supposed bad news of the good news of this new born KING
Didn't he know that this was GOD's plan
This was the Savior that was coming to heal the land

So praise God that this Child came to crush the head of the serpent
Give glory that the connection that was once lost is found
Thank God for the supernatural faith of Abraham,
But you better shout hallelujah that GOD provided that ram

So all hail this KING of kings
Lift your voice and make a joyful sound
And cease from the G.O.A.T talk that continues to go around
Because the greatest of all time was in actuality

Writer(s): Sedrik Harris
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