Never Forget

Contains memory
Ancestors speak
Saying, "remember me"
Swim in the energy
There is no entity
That could be in between
You and divinity
Never forget

Never forget
Never forget
Never forget
Never forget
Never forget
Never forget
Never forget

Mirror, mirror - who am I waitin' on?
When I do wrong, who am I really hatin' on?
Gotta watch my thoughts because they take form
Gotta wash my thoughts from others I take on
I'm not a psychic, I'm a seer, I'm sensitive
Unless I get twisted, then my vision is limited
So many factors outside of the physical
Continuously cycle in and out my subliminal
I wanna meditate much more on the regular
I over think, I don't get out of my head enough
But I'm getting better at taking time for self care
And sitting in prayer, I've been finding help there
I don't need answers, I need practice
Engaging silences as a space of access
To another side of what's out here
And what comes forth from living without fear

Contains memory
Ancestors speak
Saying, "remember me"
Swim in the energy
There is no entity
That could be in between
You and divinity
Never forget

Never forget
Never forget
Never forget
Never forget
Never forget
Never forget
Never forget

Light up a candle
Miss my grandmas
Ask'em for guidance
Their approach is hands off
They tell me I got it
It's nothing to search for
And when I forgot that
It cause me to hurt more
That turned toxic
Made my heart sick
I lost track of the light that dwells in darkness
Third eye closed, tied up in a blindfold
Crushed in the grip of beliefs my mind hold
Letting it all go
Releasing the tension
Quiet my voice down
Conscious suspension
Simple existence
Present and mindful
Archetypes replace icons and idols
Learning to recognize the ancient teachings
Played out in real time, I hear'em beseech me
Be my best self just this one time
That's for all time in my bloodline

Contains memory
Ancestors speak
Saying, "remember me"
Swim in the energy
There is no entity
That could be in between
You and divinity
Never forget

Never forget
Never forget
Never forget
Never forget
Never forget
Never forget
Never forget

From micro
To macro
At light speed
Through a black hole
My heart beats
I breathe deep
I look out
I see me
I'm open
I go in
There's no start
There's no end
There's stillness in motion
There's knowledge in emotions
I'm physical
I'm spiritual
I'm figurative
I'm literal
Am I everything?
Am I nothing at all?
On this big planet that is so small

Writer(s): Anthony Scott
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