
Anthology part two
It happened

Aye yo Before I even kill this shit
And even kill this bitch
Making all the mistakes unforgettable and unapropriate
With the blade, With my mate
Motherfucking brand new retrograte of the moon
Flat earth? Fuck that
Way way way way way way fuckin' back
I got my girl on my back
I got my bros on my back
I got my price on your cheque
I got my shit on my verse
I got this bitch that gon' click on the phone when this fucking shit will explode her muffuckin' brain
Did I put ya'll on complaints?
I claim', bitch
Claim' your mind
Claim' your personal desire
Claim' the fact that you're blind to pain
Even if (Oh fuck) you'll die
You got the money
But shit ain't that funny
Bitch I got the power
Bitch I got the Mic
Speakin about my support
bitch speak about yourself
I don't give a fuck
My lord I cannot survive
Without my girl, I will evaporate
We are of this fucking world the power
I know what I can and what you matter

Real life matters
Fuck your status
You're a human being
Not an alien
Even if you're dumbass
And you don't have a brain
You got a heart
Use it motherfucker
Use it
You will help me and you'll help the God
It is a God's plan
It is a God's plan
I love you baby

Writer(s): Franz Glogowitz
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