
What's this odyssey we call life
Is it really worth the fight
They say there's plenty to see
I'm like yeah right
I guess from this stance
I see my plans
Disintegrate into nothingness
This emptiness inside
Nothing seems to subside the pain
No one asks if I'm okay
They just seem to go about their day
Days feel like tides
Up then down
I want to reignite the fire inside of me
Dying down
No oxygen
I contemplate
What do I do
What is there to soothe?
Jazzy vibes too smooth
There's the key
It's been there all along so I can use it
People hear my voice
Did I make the right choice
I hope I did
I put all my eggs in the basket
Was it a good bid?
Marijuana clouds
Everything seems so loud
I wanna make others proud

Let them here my sounds
I get up when I'm knocked on the ground
I can go for another round

I want the recognition
I can't go on yet
I need to find the key to turn on the ignition
In my ambition
Something is holding me back
This huge resistance
It's persistent
Will I stay relevant?
Will they understand what I have to say
All I can do is pray
Nothing more
I can't make them stay
I lay awake
In my bed
Relieving the stress
But I'm feeling pressed
Let me get settled in
Like concrete
I feel it in my soul
I'll never feel defeated
Exhausted of all the excuses
They've polluted my train of thought
They make my mind rot
I gotta find balance
People say I don't have any talents
It's better if I stay silenced
It gets in my head
Destroys my self confidence
It's my only way to vent
Fuck them all if they don't want me to be content
People can be so evil and cruel
They seem to judge you and make it okay to rule you
What a world we live in
Seems like all we do is give in
But we gotta stay focused and driven
Find no excuses
Because that's how they are able to abuse us
It's ruthless
It can lead to total anihalation
Keep your enemies adjacent
Set sail like you're on a lake
Crystal clear waters
Let your mind wonder
Just sit and ponder
They say those wonder may get lost
Gotta take those chances cause we only live once
Appreciate those you care about
Cause you can't ever get them back once they're gone
Things to think about
Is there even a god?
Show me a sign
Cause I have been suffering a lot
Choices are limited
Give me a reason to keep pursuing
Right my wrong doings
Help me in my journey of choosing
I make the wrong choice I end up losing
All this weight on my shoulders it's having me pinned
Is it my time or too soon
They say the sky is the limit
But how is that true
If there's footprints on the moon

Writer(s): Miguel Rodríguez
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
