Monologue: The Malocchio

Oh that's to take it away
What it is to cause it
I think it's passed down
Mother to daughter
Okay that's the evil eye
Occhio is eye in Italian
Mal is bad
Evil eye is bad eye
And Falco is falcon
Eye of the falcon

To take the evil eye away
They put water in a bowl
And drop oil in it
And they pray over it
And the oil will form an eye
If you have the evil eye cast upon you
So anyway with the baby
Did I tell you this?
Yeah well she was a baby
She had big blue eyes
Just like your mother
Bright blue eyes

And I'd go down to see grandma
And I'd push them down to the store
To get a popsicle or whatever
And this lady who lived down
Below where we used to live
Her name was Goldie
And she says
Oh what beautiful blue eyes that baby has
Every time she'd see that baby
She'd remark about her eyes

This one day I came home from my mothers
And put the baby to bed
She was probably about oh I don't know
About a year old and she starts screaming
And she cried and she cried and she cried
I took her to the doctors
He says there's nothing wrong with her
I said she won't stop crying
The lady that lived downstairs
She says do you mind if I call my mother?

I think someone put the evil eye on her
I think someone has it on all of us

Writer(s): Jared Morris
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