
"It's a Known Fact That I'm Really
My Worst Enemy
Multiple Personalities
I'm The Villain That's Killin Me
Master of Ceremonies
Givin a sermon
Verbal Ministry
Sick as My Stomach Hearing
When Cliff Burton Hit The Street
Ready to Ride The Lightning
Wave Goodbye with Creeping Death
You'll Never See The Revolution
Buried in a T.V. Set
Just stay obedient behind a desk
Collecting Measly Checks
Stressed High Blood Pressure
Hypertension Might Take Me Next
But I Strive To Be the Best
While There's a Monster on My Chest
All My Homies are Dead or in Prison...
I'm Probably Depressed
My Best Friend Pulled His Pistol
Blew His Problems on The Shelf
I Sit Alone With This Microphone
Talking To Myself
My Brothers in Prison Because of Addiction
They Told us dont do drugs
But none of us listened
So if you're hearing this
And need some assistance
Hit this 800 Number That I Listed
Down in the Description"

Writer(s): George Deskins
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