People Like You and People Like Me

People like you and people like me
Need somebody to lean on if we wonna stay free.
All come together
and maybe we'll see -
People like you and people like me.
I hear people who say
We should all live together and I pray for that day.
Some are lonely and dissatisfied
give a hand to the man who is standing by your side.

People like you and people like me,
Need somebody to lean on if we wanna stay free,
All come together, and maybe we'll see
People like you and people like me
Man, Man and his greed
And they keep on abusing all those people in need.
There'll be an end, an end to it all
If you just stop and listen and hear your brother's call.
People like you and people like me.
Need somebody to lean on if we wanna stay free,
All come together, and maybe we'll see
People like you and people like me

Writer(s): John Terrence Springate, Gerry Shephard
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