In This Singularity...

Planes get dropped out of the sky
Bionic arms are a compromise
Protests through the Internet
Overthrow world governments
New cure for epidemics
Wifi pyschic like augments
Search the definition
Of spiritual imitation
Titanium bone replacements
Fixing our age stress frustrations
Time traveled black holed electrons
God particle hydrogen bombs...
Get smarter from the intranet
Lack of memory more confident
Each day we step ahead
Enlightenment of the brain dead
Replacing each of our neurons
In a cybersonic futuristic sun

The few of us all breath our own beautiful air...
The same many of us have a technology stare
And we cure our own blind fight in the end...
Hopefully we'll know where our tools and hands begin...

In this Singularity...

Mighty might mouse of lab rat's test
Help decode dna alphabet
God's wouldn't trust man with fire...
Pandora's box of hopes no liar
Netflix the human condition
Our sanity sold in renditions of
Robot slaves flying in the air
Delivering things of our wishing cares
Pesticides killing the bats and bees
Don't mention farming butcheries
Digital electronics assure the best
A black large lake lies beyond the west

Writer(s): Oliver Hignett
Lyrics powered by
