
You finally asked me if I wanted to join you in
Your beach trip, then I agreed I was waiting for
This moment of you and me
From day one everything was gonna be alright
You blew my mind, yeah you did it and it was
From day one. We had the whole place to
Ourselves, ate, drank and laughed all day, no
Worries, issues were left behind, we were
Counting stars at night, just sitting on the
Sand, you were placing your hand, upon mine

I'm finally getting the point of what you once
Told me, that life is based in the moments and
You've gotta enjoy it

There were no complains, it seemed that trip
Was to a parallel universe, yeah everything
Seemed to be perfect, the sand beneath our
Feet, the salty air we breathe, the warm sun
And the crashing waves, the colors were
Radiant, you were captivating me, I loved how
Your lips, were always close to mine

I'm finally appreciating the moments like you
Once told me, because they go by, and like this
One that I treasure, It might never ever come
Back, oh no, no it won't, but it doesn't make me
Sad, 'cause I know more moments will come
And I will enjoy them

Writer(s): Francisco Pardo
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