Bloody Nose

Truth hurts me
Not just recently since my birth see
Being smarter than the average bee can be the worst thing
You get the worst sting
Cuz we live in a world thats not working.
Why are we working
Why is this system setup like slavery
Did our ancestors do something
To deserve to be
At what percent is taxing slave driving
As far as treating people equally
Im an Aquarius so leave this one to me
Im a white male and I'm treated like a criminal daily
My kid was taken from me by a system aimed to defame me
When I get basically me too'ed by my bride to be
Mother of my baby its a crazy world and its also stationary
Far as any experimenting has shown in history
Youve heard the mainstream story before
But Men are more likely to go die in war
Commit suicide, get more time when tried, lose kids most of the time
Most likely to be Abused
Or stand in Unemployment lines
Homelessness mostly males we find
Failure in education cuz we learn better outside
Health issues we die yrs earlier like 9
Less likely to see a dr, have health insurance, or an extra dime
Incarceration binds inequality at almost 65%
Less likely to retire after 65
Pro choice is choice for woman only
My money my choice homie
But wait, ya now ya see my point
They can blow me
If ya cant see I'm just poking ya don't know me
Its what it takes anymore
When men are still More likely to go to war and More likely to die in a war
And Video game addiction and
Addiction to porn
And almost all autism spectrum disord(or)
Are men
Im worn, torn, and wore out
Cancer bouts more men die out
We Die younger
And of every major cause and noone is listening
Arrested for a bloody nose
Prosecuted for having toes
Imprisoned more often too and the numbers continue to grow
Along with the obvious inequality of sentence
More often to be Executed when completely innocent
Job deaths a whopping 93%
Cole mining and krab fishing I guess females weren't meant to work jobs
Like paving cement
If it doesn't require a degree and money wasn't leant
Seems like society considers your time best spent taking care of its expense
That means We value male work and female life
Woman and children first still and thats fine
Cuz I'm a man and although you may criticize me
And say I wine I'm only asking for the respect we earned
When We stand in the back of the line
Its amazing when we explore the Glass cellars the things that we find
Homicides 76% victims of the time
Red pill blue pill
Black pill new pill
B to A doesn't equal A to B it's Unquantifiable
Custody I made an entire album listen to the tale
And Ask Serpico about being a male
The system fails
To recognize its not 1950 anymore but on the cross men are still nailed
And going to work is hailed
The family's impailed
Paternity fraud is trailed
No compensation is mailed
Welfare fraud is assailed
Cases get derailed
CSS is detailed
When they get with her to blackmail
And leave letters unmailed
Or retrieved when shes giving you tail
I've seen every form of abuse from the courts and they move like snails
Every level i scale her lies curtail
The day I prevail maybe I'll have a sale
And sell all this bitterness and although it may sound bitter it is just truth
It's for me not to take anything from you

Writer(s): Robert Mcbride
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