Sunshine & Rainbows

Eating a plate of broken glass
Its the human centipede and I'm last
Everything is goin great
I Aint even thinkin bout the past
Still livin on cash
Cuz my checks go to css
Soon as I pay them off
The irs can take the rest

My friends are back in San Clemente
Where I love walkin by the sea with Tilly
I'm on the other side of OC still battlin for custody

Life is amaze balls
Next to my bed got a bottle thats half full
The Lord is testing me
I read it in The B.i.b.l.e.

So take it from me
The best things in life aren't free
But when your broke and life's a joke
Flex on spirituality
Get ready for some poetry
This time I'm to be happy
Turned off my TV
Cuz it made me wanna hang myself from a tree
I tell stories
Were run by another country
Take some notes
Cuz This aint buzfeed
These are just the simple facts to me
Like how This was gonna be a 3 track ep
But hear this ones on me
My lack of stability
Made me a liability
So Thank God that now it's just me
In my family at the
Flat earth society
Arguin over space and curves on the sea
Once again The Bible's the key
Funny how you might laugh at me
Thats your programming
And its a bummer to see like ahh G
I'm hot on the case
Car wont start but at least its at my place
And ive got someone to court
But its over a court case
Life's good enough got a smile on my face
Maybe the water's laced
Oh yea it is behold
Truly I'm skatin on a road of gold
Broke my wrist and it didn't heal cause I'm old
And Im told I'm too old to be skating
When its cold
Too bold to fight
No cash for dinner tonight
But at least my pants are light
Sunshine and rainbows in my eyes cuz things are lookin bright
Haven't spoken a word to my ex since our last fight
But tonight I'm sure shes got a guy thats doin her just right
Good for her I get to sleep alone, almost every night
Like i dont take it light sometimes i go spastic
If ya can't tell I'm being sarcastic
Feels like life should come with chapped-ass-stick
But I learned you can fail at what you don't want to do And it's fantastic
So I'm makin poems every single day
Dodgin work in every way
Even if I end up on the street it'll be ok
Cuz I'll have Tilly with me
And at least we can share the fleez
While we wait to collect checks
From companies
That owe me money
I'd rather not work cuz I think its funny
Can we start a new America
Cuz this one too scummy
See we think to be free is sodomy
And the ability
To get married when you both have the same pee pee
How bout the true knowledge of the origins and history of our species
The world government is bringing us all to our knees see
To these peeps it be the bees knees, it's fun
Totalitarian back to the Bush administration
Does anyone feel how far we've slid under the thumb?
Guess that its just me
When they act like they can take our guns
I think my brother runs them for fun
I wanna post sales at Walmart and promote buying one
Cause I see what they've done
Every year livings less fun
We live in a soul factory, everyone

Writer(s): Robert Mcbride
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