Rise of the Untermensch

Listen to the toned indignation of crass liars
Sit in front of your tv station craving this satire
Shaking your fist to some clever twist on the campfire
Books burned roast spits blood drips the vampires
Fed on human remains strewn across the plains of rat wars
Back forwards caught in the cats claws
Last orders you reminisce on that last waltz
Built borders against immigrants instead of landlords
Class wars divide conquer whats left
Fill the earth be fruitful multiply the debt
Hear their young repeat the elders less they blame
On claims of so called truths dressed up in invisible threats
The final resting place of an intellectual race
Your labels not so much fixed as it fixates
I once heard said they should be shot with haste
As another jaeger bomb is dropped a memorys erased
Dreaming of stukas and 88 flaks
He attacks in his lust for simple minded half facts
Letting off steam with streams of cowardice
Fact is he's well practiced at beating the powerless

They dance on the graves of the victims who
They reduce to a label to strip you too
Of you're humanity on any sense thats left
Will be burned and disposed of just like the rest

Make them props of a state that legislates to break
Through civilised claims as though a great debate
Justifies the aims shared the word made flesh
A scourge contained first then expunged through death
Step one psychologically purge yourself
Of all empathy dehumanise effect
Signifies the virtual terms possessed
A parasite reduced to microbial theft
Subjugate erase evolutionary leaps
Of faith from the burden by choosing belief
Scientifically removed thru theological brief
Rescuscitate the tropes of an uber elite
Stratagised education through hate they learn
Penned in by the nation to break the herd
Survival of the fittest they scream unpertrurbed
Uprooting the streets in ghettos to pave way for mass murderers
This isn't just a Nazi innovation
This is a common thread repeated in blurbs
Blogs and mass consumption where the concentration
In final solutions has a genocidal urge

They dance on the graves of the victims who
They reduce to a label to strip you too
Of you're humanity on any sense thats left
Will be burned and disposed of just like the rest

You think it's alright to say do unto others who
Never mind cannot but never would do unto you
To sit idle passively watching the world go by
To invade your line of sight the plank in your eye
Live and let live is a bridge too far
Targeting the weak to show just how strong you are
You'll speak of oppression while invoking its whip
You'll seek liberation from nobody's grip
You'll turn to language that invokes immigration
To save humanity from racial disintegration
You'll rail against any who might stray from
The true path of wholesome purification
Describe your prejudice in enlightened words
Protest your bigotry as rights Unheard
You'll tolerate none but yet you will claim
That your intolerance deserves tolerance just the same

They dance on the graves of the victims who
They reduce to a label to strip you too
Of you're humanity on any sense thats left
Will be burned and disposed of just like the rest

Writer(s): Kev Spratt
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
