You Never Knew My Soul (feat. Clare Bennett)

For me, in all existence nowhere such wealth abides
As in the tender secret your gentle beauty hides
For on what other wonder than that of your sweet charm
Would I a lifetime squander of meditation calm
On legends and on musings and thus a language mould
That it with fleeting cadence your loveliness enfolds
With chains of flowing images and on it dreams bestow
That it ne'er till time's ending shall to the darkness go?

Today when all my being to your being's bound
When hid in every sorrow, for me a joy is found
When you to me more lovely than marble do appear
And in your eye is kindled a ray of starlight clear
That when I gaze upon you I feel I must go blind
With so much shining wonder that floods upon my mind
Today, when is my loving so tender and so true
As is the very form itself that does your form endue
And stronger is the yearning that our two hearts have known
Than light that yearns for darkness, the chisel for the stone
When my desire is boundless, so gentle and so high
As on the earth is nowhere and nowhere in the sky
When everything about you for me is magic spell
A smile, a word, a gesture, no matter ill or well
When you are the enigma of life for me the whole
Your words just show me plainly: you never knew my soul

Writer(s): Mihai Eminescu
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