Manage the Abstractions

How much does it cost you
For an ethical dissection?
Anesthetize an objective eye
To direct your predilection

How much do they pay you
To put your values to the test?
Hypothesize an outcome
And factor out the rest

Managing abstractions
To justify your actions
You can live well by the numbers
And minimize distractions
Managing abstractions
To temper your reactions
Forget about specifics
To filter your satisfaction

How much truth is out there?
When you're paid to fudge results
You can spin it any way you want
Without regard to nuts and bolts

Pull a random sample
Of acquaintances you know
Just one stark example
Of how less of us you know

Managing abstractions
To justify your actions
You can live well by the numbers
And minimize distractions
Managing abstractions
To temper your reactions
Forget about specifics
To filter your satisfaction

You can say it all on Facebook
And emoji 'til your blue
It's a false sense of safety
Posting everything you do
If you create emojis
That can save the human race
You still won't be as human
As when you're face to face

Looking through a looking glass
Let's manage it
Get a handle on it
I can feel the storm and it is coming fast
Let's wrangle it
Get an angle on it

Looking through a looking glass
Let's manage it
Get a handle on it
I can feel the storm and it is coming fast
Let's wrangle it
Get an angle on it

You can standardize the population
By a process of homogenization
But how much does it cost?
To eliminate imagination

Take a poll of the modern soul
And make a bleak prediction
It's not too late to change our fate
Just reconnect connections

Managing abstractions
To justify your actions
You can live well by the numbers
And minimize distractions
Managing abstractions
To temper your reactions
Forget about specifics
And minimize

Managing abstractions
To justify your actions
You can live well by the numbers
And minimize distractions
Managing abstractions
To temper your reactions
Forget about specifics
To filter your satisfaction

Writer(s): Gerald Herman Fochtmann
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