Gluten Free

I've been poisoned
And I didn't even know it
For about ten years
I have a disease
They call it Celiac

Since the age of four I've been poisoning my body
I had migraines everyday Sometimes I couldn't fuckin eat
For a decade we just thought the problem was a lack of sleep
We were so terribly wrong. Now my joints are fuckin weak
Near the start of eighth grade mom was doin some research to find out what is wrong with me and why my brain always hurts
Finally we had an answer. After just a little work
Doctors didn't wanna help. They just treat me like a turd

Found out on my own that I have Celiac disease
So I was self diagnosed for a couple of long weeks
Till we traveled to a pro who tested me for allergies
This is a weird case because it doesn't make me sneeze
Gives me terrible migraines and affects everything I eat
Damaged all of my insides and now I got some fucked up knees
Diarrhea everytime. Comin out just like it's pee
Makes me angrier than usual like fuck everybody
I was livin this way without ever knowing it
10 years of my life. Every day I was poisoned
But my mother had enough so she started to look in
After a while she found out what it could've been

There was one time in eighth grade
Inside is where we played
Recess it was crazed
Ran around and then one leg
Gave out I felt ashamed
Pain so bad I cried that day
Went to class still hurt. I layed
In the office still in pain
Called my mom. To school she came
I Could no longer walk straight
The pain lasted three whole days
Layed on the couch watched dragon Ball
Because it hurt so much to walk
Hard to sleep. Pain clouds your thoughts
Not much I could do but watch
The time ticking on the clock
No money couldn't see the doc
Kinda thankful. Kinda not
Mom had to cook for me to eat
There wasn't much food gluten free
On the shelves at age fourteen
When I started being me
Change of life with this disease
Favorite home cooked food brownies

Found out on my own that I have Celiac disease
So I was self diagnosed for a couple of long weeks
Till we traveled to a pro who tested me for allergies
This is a weird case because it doesn't make me sneeze
Gives me terrible migraines and affects everything I eat
Damaged all of my insides and now I got some fucked up knees
Diarrhea everytime. Comin out just like it's pee
Makes me angrier than usual like fuck everybody
I was livin this way without ever knowing it
10 years of my life. Every day I was poisoned
But my mother had enough so she started to look in
After a while she found out what it could've been

Writer(s): Caleb Carpenter
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