Dogs in Heaven

If there's dogs in heaven
When I get there
I hope my old Irish setter
Has his own lazy boy chair
I hope that mutt I had
When I was just a kid
Is off chasing something
Like he always did
I hope there's fields so big
That you can't fit em on a map
And I hope Dinkys sitting there on Jesus lap
If there's dogs in heaven
If there's dogs in heaven
When they let me in
I hope they're leaning out car windows
With their faces to the wind
I hope they bark every time
That doorbell rings
I hope their ears perk up
When the angels sing
I hope Daisy's laying there on that pearly gates welcome mat
And I hope Dinkys sitting there on Jesus lap
If there's dogs in heaven

Let em play and let em run
Let em stay forever young
Let em chew up your best shoes
Give em collars of gold
And don't ever let em grow old
If there's dogs in heaven

There's a rock in the backyard
Where I sometimes go
When I'm feeling lonely
And missing him so
But I know in my heart right where he's at
He's up there sitting on Jesus lap
Cause there's dogs in heaven

Let em play and let em run
Let em stay forever young
Let em chew up your best shoes give em collars of gold
And don't ever let em grow old
If there's dogs in heaven
If there's dogs in heaven
Yeah there's dogs in heaven

Writer(s): Gregory Megilligan
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