
Cuánto te busqué
Sin saber cómo me sentiría
Sin pensar en cómo sonaría
Mi nombre en tus labios?
Cuánto te soñé
Creyendo que no existías
Sin tener en cuenta que podría
Desafiar la razón?

En este cielo dibujaría
Con tinta de tu pupila
Los reflejos del sol

Y en esta noche que se hizo día
Logré que esta melodía se transforme en canción

Parapara-pa, para-para-para pa pa
Parabara-para pa pa
Parara-pa-pa para-pa-ra-ra
Para-para-ra pa pa

Every time that I'm with you
Every time that I'm, every time that I'm with you
Life just falls into place
And every time that I'm with you
Every time that I'm, every time that I'm with you
Life just falls into place

Where would I be without you?
In my life
You are the lighthouse and I'm adrift on stormy seas
It doesn't matter how far we're apart
Cuz I know that if I'm lost you'll find me
Cuz we're meant to be
Well, well, well, yeah
Cuz we're meant to be and it's written in the stars

Writer(s): Alejandro Luis Soriano, Nicolás Loustaunau
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