Ngarda Mikang

Ninny djert baal boorn-ak nyinniny
Wer yonga baal koolark koorliny
Koorlbardi kwobba nganop warangka
Ngarda mikang karnangoor
Little birds sit up in the trees
And kangaroo, well she's gone home
The magpie's beautiful song is very still
Under the shining moon

Ninny nyingarn baal nookert-ngoorndiny
Wer koormal baal koomba koorndam
Wardong wer weitj, maarli, churditj
Ngarda mikang karnangoor
Li'l echidna lays down to sleep
And old possum, well she dreams big
The crow and emu, swan and churditj too
Under the shining moon

Writer(s): Gina Mcgill
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